Half life 2 tactical
Half life 2 tactical

half life 2 tactical

Join now to share your own content, we welcome creators and consumers alike and look forward to your comments. We suggest you try the article list with no filter applied, to browse all available. No articles were found matching the criteria specified. This mod is meant for people who enjoy realistic military games like Rainbow 6.

  • Also a Game-Mode Button in the Main-Menu SMOD Tactical is a modification of SMOD(Super Mod) for Half-Life2.
  • Changed /Some Environmental sounds + Player's (Pain, Bullet-Time, Foot-Steps, Bullet-impacts.
  • -Now Combine_s can throw Molotov,Grenades,Combine-Grenades.
  • -Damage increased by 50% (2 shots to kill a Metrocop).
  • Alex Portman, Lit Fuse films, Redsteak, n00buss, snood, J.Barnes, ranmaj ( Metrocops )

    half life 2 tactical

    Romka ( BM Chargers, material remade be me ) Markworth (Q2 Blaster "MODEL", materials remade be me) OneManShow ( usefull tutorials, MapAdds ) The Quest 2 could become the console to re-experience our all-time favorites from a new first-person perspective, fully immersed in the boots of our favorite video game heroes.-The Smod Author ( For making the Best Moddification)

    half life 2 tactical

    The Quest 2's limited mobile hardware and storage space possibly can't handle more modern games, but it appears games from the Gamecube/ PS2/ Xbox era (or earlier) could be fair game.

    half life 2 tactical

    With this latest GTA announcement, my mind began spinning with all the possibilities. People have also modded classic FPSs like Half-Life, Doom, and Quake 2 to work through SideQuest. Most recently, the beloved action horror game Resident Evil 4 was converted from third-person to first-person for VR on the Quest 2, and it arguably plays better with motion controls than it ever did with traditional controls. Even if you're not a GTA fan, this could mark an intriguing trend all gamers will care about: the Quest 2 could grant second lives to tons of video game classics. 9 titles (including SEX Summer Seduction VR) have been excluded based on your preferences. During the recent Connect 2021 event, Mark Zuckerberg announced that Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas would be ported to play in virtual reality.

    Half life 2 tactical